Work plan

The Project has a total duration of 48 months (4 years), from July 2019 to June 2023.

The Project is divided in 12 Actions, divided in 5 main Action groups:

  1. Preparatory actions
  2. Implementation actions
  3. Monitoring of the impact of the project actions
  4. Public awareness and dissemination of results
  5. Project management


A1. Technical planning, locations and permits of the 2 demo sites. AQUALIA, CENTA Jul 19-Mar20
A2. Blueprint and tender process for the INTEXT demo plants.. AQUALIA, all partners Jul19-Jun20
B1. Construction and commissioning of the demo plants. AQUALIA, all partners Ene20-Jun21
B2. Implementation, start-up and operation of both demo plants. CENTA, all partners Ene21-Mar2
B3. Boosting the implementation of LIFE INTEXT solutions. AQUALIA, all partners Ene20-Jun23
C1. Monitoring of the treatment efficiency. AQUALIA, all partners Abr21-Jun23
C2. Evaluation of economic, technical and environmental impact of INTEXT solutions. CENTA, all partners Abr20-Jun23
D1. Dissemination strategy and public awareness. CENTA, all partners Jul19-Jun23
D2. Eventos & Networking. AQUALIA, CENTA, all partners Abr20-Jun23
D3. Evaluation of Project impact after the Project duration and After-LIFE communication plan. CENTA, all partners Ene22-Jun23
E1. Management of administrative tasks. AQUALIA, all partners Jul19-Jun23
E2. Monitoring of planning, organization and conduction of project meetings. AQUALIA, all partners Jul19-Jun23

